44-46 Feralas

  • Minimum /played: 1 days, 22 hours, 37 minutes, 0 seconds
  • Minimum Segment Time: 2 hours, 52 minutes, 0 seconds
  • Average /played: 3 days, 21 hours, 14 minutes, 0 seconds
  • Average Segment Time: 5 hours, 44 minutes, 0 seconds
  1. At Feathermoon Stronghold
    1. Just northeast at the gazeebo at Pratt McGrubben, The Mark of Quality 40
    2. At Innkeeper Shyria, Bind your Hearthstone to Feathermoon Stronghold
    3. At the south lodge
      1. At Shandris Feathermoon, The Ruins of Solarsal 40
      2. At Latronicus Moonspear, The Missing Courier 40
    4. At the southeast house
      1. At Angelas Moonbreeze, The High Wilderness 40
      2. At Troyas Moonbreeze, In Search of Knowledge 42
      3. Upstairs at Ginro Hearthkindle, The Missing Courier The Missing Courier 40
  1. Run southwest to the Ruins of Solarsal (26, 52)
    1. Loot Solarsal Gazebo, The Ruins of Solarsal Return to Feathermoon Stronghold 40
  1. Run northeast back to Feathermoon Stronghold
    1. At the southern lodge
    2. At Shandris Feathermoon, Return to Feathermoon Stronghold Against the Hatecrest 40
    3. At Latronicus Moonspear, Against the Hatecrest Against the Hatecrest 40
  1. Run southwest back to the Ruins of Solarsal
    1. Do Against the Hatecrest (Kill Hatecrest for 10 Hatecrest Naga Scale) (26, 52)
  1. Run northeast back to Feathermoon Stronghold
    1. At the southern lodge
    2. At Latronicus Moonspear, Against the Hatecrest Against Lord Shalzaru 40
Level 45
  1. For food and water you should now be using Alterac Swiss, Morning Glory Dew or equivalent
  1. Run southwest to the cave on the southern island (28.5, 70.5) (Discover Isle of Dread)
    1. Grind to the pond in the back of the cave
    2. Do Against Lord Shalzaru (Kill Lord Shalzaru for Mysterious Relic)
  1. Grind northeast all the way back to Feathermoon Stronghold
    1. At the southern lodge
    2. At Latronicus Moonspear, Against Lord Shalzaru Delivering the Relic 40
    3. At Vestia Moonspear, Delivering the Relic
  1. Swim east across the water to the docks to Zorbin Fandazzle, (Doesn't sell on classic)
  1. Just east do Screecher Spirits
    1. Kill 3 Rogue Vale Screecher
    2. Use Yeh'kinya's Bramble on their corpse, then speak to the spirit
  1. Run all the way south to (45.5, 65)
    1. Underwater loot Wrecked Row Boat, The Missing Courier Boat Wreckage 40
  1. Hearth to Feathermoon Stronghold
    1. At the southeast house
      1. Upstairs at Ginro Hearthkindle, Boat Wreckage The Knife Revealed 39
    2. Atop the northeastern tower
      1. At Quintis Jonespyre, The Knife Revealed, wait, Psychometric Reading 41
    3. At the southeast house
      1. Upstairs at Ginro Hearthkindle, Psychometric Reading The Woodpaw Gnolls 41
  1. Swim east across the water to the docks to Zorbin Fandazzle, (Doesn't sell on classic)
  1. Run east up the hill and along the road
  2. Run southeast to the cave Feral Scar Vale (55, 55) (Discover Feral Scar Vale)
    1. Do The Mark of Quality (Kill Feral Scar Yeti for 10 Thick Yeti Hide)
    2. If OOX-22/FE Distress Beacon drops
      1. Use OOX-22/FE Distress Beacon,Find OOX-22/FE! 40
      2. At Homing Robot OOX-22/FE, Find OOX-22/FE!
      3. Skip escort follow up
  1. Grind southeast to the Ruins of Isildien (60, 64) (Discover Ruins of Isildien)
    1. Do The High Wilderness (Kill 8 Gordunni Warlock, 8 Gordunni Shaman, 8 Gordunni Brute)
  1. Run south of the Ruins of Isildien to the hill passage (58, 75) (Discover Fray Feather Highlands)
    1. Run up the hill to (58, 77)
    2. Loot Hippogryph Egg for 1 Hippogryph Egg for later
  1. GROUP 2+
    1. This quest is buggy but try to complete it
    2. Run northeast to the Grimtotem Camp (66.5, 46.5)
      1. Clear the mobs around the cage
      2. Wait for Sprite Darter to fill the cage
    3. Run to the hidden path left of the tree (65.5, 47)
    4. Up the hill at Kindal Moonweaver (66, 45.6), Freedom for All Creatures 40
      1. Unlock the cage door to release the Sprite Darter
      2. Do Freedom for All Creatures
      3. 6 Sprite Darter and Kindal Moonweaver must survive
    5. At Kindal Moonweaver, Freedom for All Creatures Doling Justice 42
    6. Just northeast at Grimtotem Compound (Discover Grimtotem Compound)
      1. Do Doling Justice
      2. Kill 12 Grimtotem Naturalist , 10 Grimtotem Raider , 6 Grimtotem Shaman
    7. Run northeast to the hidden path left of the tree (65.5, 47)
    8. Up the hill at Jer'kai Moonweaver (66, 45.6)
      1. Doling Justice Doling Justice 42
  1. Grind southeast to (73, 56) (Discover Woodpaw Hills, Lower Wilds)
    1. Loot Large Leather Backpacks, The Woodpaw Gnolls The Writhing Deep
    2. Hang onto Undelivered Parcel
  1. Run southeast to The Writhing Deep (73, 63) (Discover The Writhing Deep)
    1. At the bottom of the hive, take the southwest path underground
    2. Take the right path to the circular room
    3. Loot Zukk'ash Pod, WAIT FOR THE QUEST TO COMPLETE!
    4. The Writhing Deep Freed from the Hive 40
  1. Grind nearby until Level 45 and 17 bars
  1. Hearth to Feathermoon Stronghold
    1. Just north at the gazeebo at Pratt McGrubben, The Mark of Quality Improved Quality 41
    2. At Dulciea Frostmoon,
    3. At the southeast house
      1. At Angelas Moonbreeze, The High Wilderness
      2. Upstairs at Ginro Hearthkindle, Freed from the Hive A Hero's Welcome 02
    4. At the south lodge at Shandris Feathermoon, A Hero's Welcome
    5. Rise of the Silithid 40
    6. Equip Ceremonial Elven Blade offhand
    7. Obtained Sanctimonial Rod BIS for eating/drinking
    8. At the southeast house at Angelas Moonbreeze, The Sunken Temple 46
Level 46
  1. Use Teleport: Moonglade
    1. Run southwest to flightmaster Silva Fil'naveth (44, 45)
    2. Fly from Nighthaven to Rut'Theran Village, eta 02:32 (44, 45)
    3. Continue at Rut'Theran Village below
  1. Use Teleport: Darnassus
    1. Atop the Temple of the Moon
      1. At Gracina Spiritmight, Rise of the Silithid
      2. At Tyrande Whisperwind, Doling Justice
    2. Take the pink portal to Rut'theran Village
    3. At the house near the docks
      1. At Erelas Ambersky, Favored of Elune? 42
      2. Upstairs at Daryn Lightwind, In Search of Knowledge
      3. At the bookcases on the back wall loot Feralas: A History, Feralas: A History 42
      4. At Daryn Lightwind Feralas: A History The Borrower 42
    4. Use Teleport: Ironforge
    5. Learn 44 spells: Blizzard 4, Frostbolt 8, Mana Shield 4
    6. Learn 46 spells: Ice Barrier 2, Arcane Explosion 5, Fire Blast 6, Mage Armor 2, Scorch 5
    7. Fly from Ironforge to Southshore, eta 04:10
    8. Run far northeast of Durnholde Keep to (87, 29) (Discover Durnholde Keep)
    9. Run northeast through the mountains to the Hinterlands
    10. You are done with this segment, continue at the next segment
  1. Fly from Feathermoon to Rut'Theran Village, eta 08:39
    1. At the house near the docks
    2. At Erelas Ambersky, Favored of Elune? 42
    3. Upstairs at Daryn Lightwind, In Search of Knowledge
    4. Near the bookcases on the back wall loot Feralas: A History, Feralas: A History 42
    5. At Daryn Lightwind Feralas: A History The Borrower 42
  1. Take the pink portal to Darnassus
    1. Atop the Temple of the Moon
      1. At Gracina Spiritmight, Rise of the Silithid
      2. At Tyrande Whisperwind, Doling Justice
    2. Learn 44 spells: Barkskin, Healing Touch 8, Rake 3, Rip 4, Thorns 5
    3. Learn 46 spells: Bash 3, Dash 2, Pounce 2, Rejuvenation 8, Frenzied Regeneration 2
    4. Learn 44 spells: Immolation Trap 4, Mend Pet 5, Arcane Shot 6
    5. Learn 44 spells: Mind Flay 4, Flash Heal 5, Renew 7, Mind Control 2
    6. Learn 46 spells: Greater Heal 2, Mind Blast 7
    7. Learn 44 spells: Rupture 4, Instant Poison 4, Gouge 2, Gouge 3
    8. Learn 46 spells: Garrote 5, Sinister Strike 7, Gouge 4
    9. Learn 44 spells: Demoralizing Shout 4, Overpower 3
    10. Learn 46 spells Charge 3, Sunder Armor 4
    11. At Landria, 1 Sylvan Shortbow 63062
  1. Take the pink portal to Rut'theran Village
    1. Run to flightmaster Vesprystus
  1. Fly from Rut'Theran Village to Auberdine, eta 01:21
    1. Run to the southern dock
  1. Take the boat from Auberdine to Menethil Harbor, a boat shows up every 04:55.
    Craft bandages or fish while you wait.
    1. Run to the flightmaster
  1. Fly from Menethil Harbor to Ironforge, eta 01:24
  2. Learn 44 spells: Hammer of Wrath, Exorcism 4, Blessing of Wisdom 4
  3. Learn 46 spells: Retribution Aura 4, Holy Light 7
  4. Learn 44 spells: Corruption 5, Health Funnel 5, Shadowbolt 7
  5. Learn 46 spells: Create Healthstone 4, Drain Life 5, Life Tap 5
  6. Fly from Ironforge to Southshore, eta 04:10
  1. Fly from Menethil Harbor to Southshore, eta 01:41
  1. Run far northeast of Durnholde Keep to (87, 29) (Discover Durnholde Keep)
  1. Run northeast through the mountains to the Hinterlands
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Seth Cottle