44-46 Feralas
- Minimum /played: 1 days, 22 hours, 37 minutes, 0 seconds
- Minimum Segment Time: 2 hours, 52 minutes, 0 seconds
- Average /played: 3 days, 21 hours, 14 minutes, 0 seconds
- Average Segment Time: 5 hours, 44 minutes, 0 seconds
- Current Quest Log: 6/20
- Stormwind City To The Hinterlands
- Stranglethorn Vale
- Tanaris
- Thousand Needles Razzeric's Tweaking
- At Feathermoon Stronghold
- Just northeast at the gazeebo at Pratt McGrubben, The Mark of Quality 40
- At Innkeeper Shyria, Bind your Hearthstone to Feathermoon Stronghold
- At the south lodge
- At the southeast house
- At Angelas Moonbreeze, The High Wilderness 40
- At Troyas Moonbreeze, In Search of Knowledge 42
- Upstairs at Ginro Hearthkindle, The Missing Courier The Missing Courier 40
- Run southwest to the Ruins of Solarsal (26, 52)
- Run northeast back to Feathermoon Stronghold
- At the southern lodge
- At Shandris Feathermoon, Return to Feathermoon Stronghold Against the Hatecrest 40
- At Latronicus Moonspear, Against the Hatecrest Against the Hatecrest 40
- Run southwest back to the Ruins of Solarsal
- Do Against the Hatecrest (Kill Hatecrest for 10 Hatecrest Naga Scale) (26, 52)
- Run northeast back to Feathermoon Stronghold
- At the southern lodge
- At Latronicus Moonspear, Against the Hatecrest Against Lord Shalzaru 40
Level 45
- For food and water you should now be using Alterac Swiss, Morning Glory Dew or equivalent
- Run southwest to the cave on the southern island (28.5, 70.5) (Discover Isle of Dread)
- Grind to the pond in the back of the cave
- Do Against Lord Shalzaru (Kill Lord Shalzaru for Mysterious Relic)
- Grind northeast all the way back to Feathermoon Stronghold
- At the southern lodge
- At Latronicus Moonspear, Against Lord Shalzaru Delivering the Relic 40
- At Vestia Moonspear, Delivering the Relic
- Swim east across the water to the docks to Zorbin Fandazzle, (Doesn't sell on classic)
- Just east do Screecher Spirits
- Kill 3 Rogue Vale Screecher
- Use Yeh'kinya's Bramble on their corpse, then speak to the spirit
- Run all the way south to (45.5, 65)
- Underwater loot Wrecked Row Boat, The Missing Courier Boat Wreckage 40
- Hearth to Feathermoon Stronghold
- At the southeast house
- Upstairs at Ginro Hearthkindle, Boat Wreckage The Knife Revealed 39
- Atop the northeastern tower
- At Quintis Jonespyre, The Knife Revealed, wait, Psychometric Reading 41
- At the southeast house
- Upstairs at Ginro Hearthkindle, Psychometric Reading The Woodpaw Gnolls 41
- Swim east across the water to the docks to Zorbin Fandazzle, (Doesn't sell on classic)
- Run east up the hill and along the road
- Run southeast to the cave Feral Scar Vale (55, 55) (Discover Feral Scar Vale)
- Do The Mark of Quality (Kill Feral Scar Yeti for 10 Thick Yeti Hide)
- If OOX-22/FE Distress Beacon drops
- Use OOX-22/FE Distress Beacon,Find OOX-22/FE! 40
- At Homing Robot OOX-22/FE, Find OOX-22/FE!
- Skip escort follow up
- Grind southeast to the Ruins of Isildien (60, 64) (Discover Ruins of Isildien)
- Do The High Wilderness (Kill 8 Gordunni Warlock, 8 Gordunni Shaman, 8 Gordunni Brute)
- Run south of the Ruins of Isildien to the hill passage (58, 75) (Discover Fray Feather Highlands)
- Run up the hill to (58, 77)
- Loot Hippogryph Egg for 1 Hippogryph Egg for later
- GROUP 2+
- This quest is buggy but try to complete it
- Run northeast to the Grimtotem Camp (66.5, 46.5)
- Clear the mobs around the cage
- Wait for Sprite Darter to fill the cage
- Run to the hidden path left of the tree (65.5, 47)
- Up the hill at Kindal Moonweaver (66, 45.6), Freedom for All Creatures 40
- Unlock the cage door to release the Sprite Darter
- Do Freedom for All Creatures
- 6 Sprite Darter and Kindal Moonweaver must survive
- At Kindal Moonweaver, Freedom for All Creatures Doling Justice 42
- Just northeast at Grimtotem Compound (Discover Grimtotem Compound)
- Do Doling Justice
- Kill 12 Grimtotem Naturalist , 10 Grimtotem Raider , 6 Grimtotem Shaman
- Run northeast to the hidden path left of the tree (65.5, 47)
- Up the hill at Jer'kai Moonweaver (66, 45.6)
- Grind southeast to (73, 56) (Discover Woodpaw Hills, Lower Wilds)
- Loot Large Leather Backpacks, The Woodpaw Gnolls The Writhing Deep
- Hang onto Undelivered Parcel
- Run southeast to The Writhing Deep (73, 63) (Discover The Writhing Deep)
- At the bottom of the hive, take the southwest path underground
- Take the right path to the circular room
- The Writhing Deep Freed from the Hive 40
- Grind nearby until Level 45 and 17 bars
- Hearth to Feathermoon Stronghold
- Just north at the gazeebo at Pratt McGrubben, The Mark of Quality Improved Quality 41
- At Dulciea Frostmoon,
- At the southeast house
- At Angelas Moonbreeze, The High Wilderness
- Upstairs at Ginro Hearthkindle, Freed from the Hive A Hero's Welcome 02
- At the south lodge at Shandris Feathermoon, A Hero's Welcome
- Rise of the Silithid 40
- Equip Ceremonial Elven Blade offhand
- Obtained Sanctimonial Rod BIS for eating/drinking
- At the southeast house at Angelas Moonbreeze, The Sunken Temple 46
Level 46
- Use Teleport: Moonglade
- Run southwest to flightmaster Silva Fil'naveth (44, 45)
- Fly from Nighthaven to Rut'Theran Village, eta 02:32 (44, 45)
- Continue at Rut'Theran Village below
- Use Teleport: Darnassus
- Atop the Temple of the Moon
- Take the pink portal to Rut'theran Village
- At the house near the docks
- At Erelas Ambersky, Favored of Elune? 42
- Upstairs at Daryn Lightwind, In Search of Knowledge
- At the bookcases on the back wall loot Feralas: A History, Feralas: A History 42
- At Daryn Lightwind Feralas: A History The Borrower 42
- Use Teleport: Ironforge
- Learn 44 spells: Blizzard 4, Frostbolt 8, Mana Shield 4
- Learn 46 spells: Ice Barrier 2, Arcane Explosion 5, Fire Blast 6, Mage Armor 2, Scorch 5
- Fly from Ironforge to Southshore, eta 04:10
- Run far northeast of Durnholde Keep to (87, 29) (Discover Durnholde Keep)
- Run northeast through the mountains to the Hinterlands
- You are done with this segment, continue at the next segment
- Fly from Feathermoon to Rut'Theran Village, eta 08:39
- At the house near the docks
- At Erelas Ambersky, Favored of Elune? 42
- Upstairs at Daryn Lightwind, In Search of Knowledge
- Near the bookcases on the back wall loot Feralas: A History, Feralas: A History 42
- At Daryn Lightwind Feralas: A History The Borrower 42
- Take the pink portal to Darnassus
- Atop the Temple of the Moon
- Learn 44 spells: Barkskin, Healing Touch 8, Rake 3, Rip 4, Thorns 5
- Learn 46 spells: Bash 3, Dash 2, Pounce 2, Rejuvenation 8, Frenzied Regeneration 2
- Learn 44 spells: Immolation Trap 4, Mend Pet 5, Arcane Shot 6
- Learn 44 spells: Mind Flay 4, Flash Heal 5, Renew 7, Mind Control 2
- Learn 46 spells: Greater Heal 2, Mind Blast 7
- Learn 44 spells: Rupture 4, Instant Poison 4, Gouge 2, Gouge 3
- Learn 46 spells: Garrote 5, Sinister Strike 7, Gouge 4
- Learn 44 spells: Demoralizing Shout 4, Overpower 3
- Learn 46 spells Charge 3, Sunder Armor 4
- At Landria, 1 Sylvan Shortbow 63062
- Take the pink portal to Rut'theran Village
- Run to flightmaster Vesprystus
- Fly from Rut'Theran Village to Auberdine, eta 01:21
- Run to the southern dock
- Take the boat from Auberdine to Menethil Harbor, a boat shows up every 04:55.
Craft bandages or fish while you wait.- Run to the flightmaster
- Fly from Menethil Harbor to Ironforge, eta 01:24
- Learn 44 spells: Hammer of Wrath, Exorcism 4, Blessing of Wisdom 4
- Learn 46 spells: Retribution Aura 4, Holy Light 7
- Learn 44 spells: Corruption 5, Health Funnel 5, Shadowbolt 7
- Learn 46 spells: Create Healthstone 4, Drain Life 5, Life Tap 5
- Fly from Ironforge to Southshore, eta 04:10
- Fly from Menethil Harbor to Southshore, eta 01:41
- Run far northeast of Durnholde Keep to (87, 29) (Discover Durnholde Keep)
- Run northeast through the mountains to the Hinterlands