59-60 Winterspring

  • Minimum /played: 3 days, 21 hours, 0 minutes, 9 seconds
  • Minimum Segment Time: 1 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds
  • Average /played: 7 days, 18 hours, 0 minutes, 18 seconds
  • Average Segment Time: 2 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds
  1. Run northwest across the bridge to Ashenvale
  1. Run west to Kayneth Stillwind (85, 45), Ancient Spirit (Ethereal Mist Cape)
  1. Run east back to Talrendis Point
  1. Fly from Talrendis Point to Everlook, eta 02:06
  1. Run east to Winterfall Village
    1. Grind to High Chief Winterfall (70, 38)
    2. Do High Chief Winterfall (Kill High Chief Winterfall (respawn 10m))
    3. Use Crudely-written Log, The Final Piece 52
  1. Run west to Everlook to Umi Rumplesnicker, Are We There, Yeti?
  1. Run southwest to Haleh (54.5, 51) (Follow video for directions)
    1. The Dragon's Eye Drakefire Amulet 50
  1. Run west all the way to Donova Snowden (31, 45)
    1. High Chief Winterfall
    2. The Final Piece
    3. Words of the High Chief 52
  1. Use Teleport: Moonglade, continue at Moonglade below
  2. Run northwest through Timbermaw Hold, take north path to Moonglade
  1. Run northeast to Nighthaven
    1. At Umber, Umber, Archivist 3k Uncovering Past Secrets 55
    2. Run southeast to Rabine Saturna (52, 45), Uncovering Past Secrets 7.5k
    3. Phase 2: Requires: Entering Dire Maul at least once A Reliquary of Purity, skip follow up
    4. Run northwest back to Umber, Under the Chitin Was... 3k
    5. Run south to the flightmaster Sindrayl
  1. Fly from Moonglade to Talonbranch Glade, eta 01:00
  1. Run west along the road to Jadefire Run (39, 22)
    1. This is a grind spot for Felcloth
    2. If you are a few bars away from 60
      1. Grind nearby until 6400 XP away from Level 60
    3. If you are very far away from 60
      1. You can look at more options below for reaching 60
  1. Run far south along the road to Greta Mosshoof (14, 96), Words of the High Chief 6.4k
Level 60
  1. Learn Ferocious Bite 5, Healing Touch 11, Mark of the Wild 7, Prowl 3, Regrowth 9, Rejuvenation 11, Rip 6, Tiger's Fury 4
  2. Learn Arcane Shot 8, Aspect of the Hawk 7, Freezing Trap 3, Mend Pet 7, Serpent Sting 9
  3. Learn Great Stamina 10, Natural Armor 10, Growl 7
  4. Use Beast Training to teach them to your pet
  5. Learn Blizzard 6, Conjure Food 7, Conjure Water 7, Fireball 11, Fireball 12, Frostbolt 11, Ice Armor 4, Mana Shield 6, Polymorph 4
  6. Learn Consecration 5, Blessing of Might 7, Exorcism 6, Holy Light 9, Holy Wrath 2, Devotion Aura 7, Blessing of Wisdom 6, Hammer of Wrath 3, Seal of Command 5
  7. Learn Mind Flay 6, Greater Heal 5, Inner Fire 6, Power Word: Fortitude 6, Power Word: Shield 10, Renew 10
  8. Learn Feedback 5
  9. Learn Elune's Grace 5
  10. Learn Gouge 5, Stealth 4, Rupture 6, Instant Poison 6, Eviscerate 9
  11. Learn Corruption 7, Create Soulstone (Major), Demon Armor 5, Health Funnel 7, Immolate 7, Immolate 8, Shadow Bolt 9, Shadowbolt 10, Dark Pact 3
  12. Learn Mortal Strike 4, Battle Shout 7, Overpower 4
  1. Quests/Grind:
    1. Finish your cloth donations in Ironforge, Stormwind and Darnassus
      1. A Donation of Wool
      2. A Donation of Silk
      3. A Donation of Mageweave
      4. A Donation of Runecloth
    2. Finish any outstanding quests in your quest log
  1. Phase 4:
    1. After Phase 4 when coins are cheap enough you can level from 58 to 60 in 20 minutes
    2. You can turn in the following quests 625 times and you will be exalted with Zandalar Tribe
    3. Gurubashi, Vilebranch, and Witherbark Coins
    4. Sandfury, Skullsplitter, and Bloodscalp Coins
    5. Zulian, Razzashi, and Hakkari Coins
  1. Dungeons:
    1. Lower Blackrock Spire for BIS gear and Seal of Ascension
    2. Scholomance
    3. Stratholme Living Of Love and Family
    4. Stratholme Undead
    5. Requires: Seal of Ascension
      1. Upper Blackrock Spire for Drakefire Amulet to finish your Onyxia Attunement
  1. Class Quests:
      1. In Azshara at Sanath Lim-yo
      2. Teleport to Archmage Xylem, Warlord Krellian (Grants Polymorph: Pig)
      3. There are some steps, investigate how to do them and complete at your convenience
      1. In Stormwind at Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker, Emphasis on Sacrifice (Grants Summon Charger)
      2. There are many steps, investigate how to do them and complete at your convenience
      1. In Ironforge at Jubahl Corpseseeker, Mor'zul Bloodbringers (Grants Summon Dreadsteed)
      2. There are many steps, investigate how to do them and complete at your convenience
      3. In Blasted Lands at Daio the Decrepit, The Prison's Bindings (Grants Ritual of Doom)
      4. There are many steps, investigate how to do them and complete at your convenience
  1. Item Collecting:
    1. In Badlands at Theldurin the Lost, To Ironforge for Yagyin's Digest (Grants Skull of Impending Doom)
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Seth Cottle